Who is it for?

Who do you see?
We do brain training with adults and adolescents (and pre-teens age 10+ on a referral basis). This style of neurofeedback is great for any age.

Do you see kids?
We see pre-teens age 10+ on a referral basis. Feel free to get in touch!

Do you see senior adults?
We love working with older adults! Age doesn’t stop your brain’s ability to adapt, learn, and change.


Do you take insurance?
We do not process insurance. We can provide a receipt if your insurance plan reimburses for out of network neurofeedback (most do not).

Do you offer payment plans?
Please contact us at neurofeedback@thehopepreserve.com for information on payment plans for packages. We’re happy to work with you toward a plan that works for your budget.


Is this technology FDA approved?
Yes, NeurOptimal® has been designated a General Wellness Product by the FDA. It’s not a medical device, so we can’t use it to make claims of diagnosing, treating, or curing disease, of course, but we have found the benefits of training the brain to affect every area of life.

Is anything being put into my brain?
Nope. We attach five small sensors to your head and ears, and they are there to observe, not change, your brain’s electrical activity. The system monitors that activity and when it picks up on signs you’re beginning to transition toward sub-optimal or inefficient patterns, there will be a microsecond glitch in the music that alerts your subconscious to this inefficient activity.

That little glitch is the only feedback your brain is getting, just via sound. But don’t underestimate the power of sound because it’s one of the most powerful ways for our brains - especially our stress systems - to learn, because they rely so dearly on sound for survival.

Does NeurOptimal ® Neurofeedback replace therapy, doctors, medications, etc.?
No. Our process helps support and promote a lot of wonderful things in your life, but is meant to contribute to general wellness, not replace any part of your wellness plan.

Neurofeedback with us

How long will my appointment be?
Recurring follow-up appointments should take about 45-50 minutes. The neurofeedback program itself lasts about 33 minutes, and it takes a few minutes to get you set up and then to finish up. Your first session will generally last 60-75 minutes so we can orient you to the process and go over how you’re currently experiencing life, and how you hope to see things change.


Do you do a brain map?
No. We have several reasons for not doing a QEEG brain map before you get started, which is a little different than how other neurofeedback systems work.

  1. With our style of system, we believe they are not necessary. NeurOptimal® does not rely on a diagnosis or pushing your brain toward goals based on a diagnosis, and that is what brain maps help with (other than providing a baseline). Once NeurOptimal® has alerted your brain (via sound) that your functioning has become sub-optimal, it allows your brain to choose where it would like to go next, instead of taking it in a certain direction.

  2. We believe the most empowering baseline and measure of growth is how you are experiencing changes in your life. We use tools to help you track how you’re feeling in various areas of life - and look forward to celebrating with you how you’re feeling in all those areas, too. While brain maps can provide some measure of baseline, we acknowledge they are only a snapshot of a moment in time, and only part of the picture since your brain and brain states shift moment to moment (and truly microsecond to microsecond) in response to myriad factors.

  3. Brain maps increase your cost. They usually cost several hundred dollars before beginning the brain training process. We think the cost is not necessary for helping you with this style of neurofeedback, and prefer to keep the cost as accessible as we can at this time.

  4. They’re just not our focus as much as providing a passive, relaxing training experience for you is. We’ve got great contacts we know and trust if you’d like a referral. We absolutely get that data can be super fun and informative.

Is this brain training stuff just a trend or wellness gimmick?
Neurofeedback has been around for about 45 years, and this style evolved out of traditional neurofeedback, developed by clinical psychologists about 25 years ago. It’s so much more than mere optimization or performance enhancement when you’re already feeling great (which it also is), but it’s incredibly supportive and resilience-building when you’re down. Here are a few inspiring stories (video 1 content warning: sexual assault/violence).