Real support, restful process.
Sometimes self-care can feel like adding more to your to-do list. More stress and expectations, and hoping you'll get it right this time doesn't help you function better.
Making peace with your emotions and stress does.
Brain training helps your mind and body balance itself without the pressure of performing what you should be doing/feeling, or how you should be doing it.
More optimal, efficient brain function Can Help you feel MORE:
present, calm, and grounded
capable, decisive, and confident
in flow and creative, with more space and less mind chatter
grateful and content
comfortable & at ease
focused & alert
resilient in handling stress
refreshed when you wake up
How our unique style of neurofeedback works:
Your brain knows just what you need to feel good, but its priority is scanning your surroundings and your body to make sure you’re safe. Sometimes we get stuck in hypervigilant scanning mode, not able to notice the times when we do feel ok.
Neurofeedback technology is like a mirror that allows your brain to become gently aware of yourself and your patterns without the added emotional weight of overthinking, or self-criticism, or re-living uncomfortable stories. It’s self-awareness without judgment or debilitating analytical feedback loops.
When your brain has the space to allow self-awareness without shame or criticism, it’s easier to actually mindfully choose your preferred life-giving responses to challenges, rather than automatically and unconsciously getting sucked into feeling you have no choice . . . and then spinning into the same old patterns that frustrate you - again.
As you keep training, this resilience and flexibility - rather than reactivity - becomes a new unconscious skill, and life just feels like it's hitting you differently. Without having to think your way into it, push yourself to “choose different thoughts,” or force yourself to stay positive when you’re exhausted.
In short, you can feel calmer (or more focused, joyful, or whatever it is that your unique brain knows you need)…without having to try so hard.
What to expect
See what happens each step of the way during your neurofeedback appointment.
Get Started
Ready to take the next step? You can book your introductory appointment online now, or check our current availability.
What’s NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback?
Why we love NeurOptimal® neurofeedback:
A note from the heart
it’s passive
it’s gentle
it responds to you
“. . . so the ones suffering most wouldn’t have to work so soul-crushingly hard every step of the way . . . ”
Neurofeedback Nashville at The Hope Preserve was started by a licensed therapist looking for a gentle alternative to support people and make a difference in their lives…so the ones suffering most wouldn’t have to work so soul-crushingly hard every step of the way. Can’t we find more mercy and rest in getting our lives back?
There are times when a stressed, overwhelmed nervous system makes it almost physically impossible to do the tough personal work, and continuing to push through can burn you out and make you want to quit. Even meditation and other mindful forms of self-care can feel out of reach: because when your body feels stressed or unsafe, of course it’s hard to sit still and focus. And frankly it’s not always emotionally safe to do so.
We hope to create a beautiful and supportive environment where those who need it can come just receive for a while. No trying to control or tame your thoughts, no finding the energy to focus. Just listening to relaxing music and maybe dozing off while our system holds a virtual mirror to your lovely brain so it can move and adjust in its own unwinding way.
We chose this particular NeurOptimal® method of neurofeedback out of many wonderful styles because it fills a gap - one that desperately needs to be filled with merciful respite and reprieve.
Plus, we deeply resonate with NeurOptimal®’s philosophy of being responsive to you rather than pushing you in a certain direction, or rewarding you for being in a certain state. As in every area of our work at The Hope Preserve, we celebrate neurodivergent brains and don’t try to make them look more neurotypical. The operating premise is that your brain, and only your brain, knows
how to learn in the way it uniquely learns best and
what needs to happen for your personal growth and comfort, and in what order.
You’re not broken. We trust that your brain, when given the awareness and space of neurofeedback, will make the adjustments it needs in the most efficient and gentle way for you. ♥